Vida Verde Nature Education
Wave Divider - NO BANNER PHOTO
Vida Verde Nature Education
“Sand Hill runs deep at Vida Verde. They’ve been solid partners for 14 years with sage advice, community connections, steady financial support, a lead capital gift, and most importantly being humans who we can rely on. We do it together with them…the heavy challenge and the richly successful outcomes.”
— Shawn Sears, Co-founder & Executive Director
In the natural splendor of the San Francisco Bay Area, students at low-income schools do not commonly have the opportunity to spend immersive time in nature, nor to see themselves as connected to or part of nature. Teachers in underserved schools often face a lack of resources, are overworked, and support kids from loving families who are extra-stretched – making it extremely difficult for their teachers to plan the deep enrichment and connection experiences that bring meaning and reality to classroom time.
Since 2001, Vida Verde has been nurturing Bay Area elementary and middle school students’ academic performance, social and emotional learning, and connection to the outdoors by providing free, overnight environmental learning experiences for students who don’t otherwise get the opportunity. Each class trip is a carefully crafted explosion of activities and experiences at the nature wonderland of Vida Verde, a 23 acre coastal farm, and nearby state parks and beaches on the San Mateo County Coastside.
The 5th grade trip provides the spark, when a teacher brings their class for three days. In high school, students return to the Summer Leadership Project for five days. And after that, the campers become the teachers when they get their job at Vida Verde as a counselor or come back as chaperone when their own child is in 5th grade. Vida Verde is a lifelong cycle.
Participating teacher surveys show that the three-day trip, packed with activities that address California state educational standards, has resulted in 89% improvement in students’ classroom learning and 95% improvement in personal responsibility and Teamwork.
Sand Hill Foundation has funded Vida Verde’s experiential learning programs since 2010. When Vida Verde launched its campaign to build a permanent home in San Gregorio, Sand Hill Foundation stepped up with an early capital gift to purchase land and build a new learning barn in addition to providing ongoing operating support.