Reaching for 100% Impact


For Sand Hill Foundation, this past year has been one of listening, learning, rethinking our practices, and considering new ways to meet the needs of our local communities. We conducted surveys, engaged a strategic planning consultant, and spent much time considering our priorities and approaches. It was exciting and illuminating.

COVID-19 has stressed and challenged us all. However, the physical and mental toll of the pandemic on families with few resources has highlighted the imperative to tend to people and neighborhoods with the highest needs. Going forward, we will focus our attention on these areas of greatest need in San Mateo County, supporting the organizations that are best positioned to serve them.

In addition to rethinking our grants program, we spent time considering our endowment resources. How are our foundation’s assets invested? Can we put those dollars to work to improve our community and the world? While we already have moved 50% of our assets into values-aligned investments, the recent sale of the 3000 Sand Hill Road properties (which my late husband, Tom Ford, developed in the 1960s) made this opportunity all the more relevant because the cash generated needed to be invested.

Our goal for our endowment is not only to reject investments in harmful substances and practices (tobacco and firearms manufacturing, for example) but to be proactive in investing in funds that provide solutions to our social problems in such areas as jobs, mental health, environment, and housing. If 5% of our assets are distributed as grants to our valued non-profit community partners, the other 95% can be invested to achieve positive outcomes too. There are many ways to make an impact and that is what we are hoping to accomplish.

With gratitude and respect,

Susan Ford Dorsey